Reykjavik Energy Group endeavours to operate in accordance with Icelandic labour laws, and the Group's policy on Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) issues, and its terms of employment go further than the law dictates in these areas. Reykjavik Energy Group is aware of the risk that contractors, or sub-contractors on their behalf, do not comply with the rules. In response to this, Reykjavik Energy Group has, among other things, taken the following precautionary measures:
- Required that tender documents include clauses regarding Child's & Forced Labour.
- Imposed provisions that authorise termination of contracts with contractors who break Icelandic labour market regulations.
- Imposed a requirement that invoices for outsourced labour may not include longer work periods than seven hours per day, unless licensed to do so by Reykjavik Energy Group (such a licence has not been issued).
- Imposed a requirement that work contracts, wages, and insurance payments must comply with Icelandic law.
No cases requiring measures to be taken under these provisions arose in 2021.
International certification system against Child's & Forced Labour does not exist. Thus, Reykjavik Energy Group cannot easily confirm that this does not happen within the value chain, e.g. when procuring products. Should that be proven, provisions that authorise termination of contracts can be found in all tender documents by Reykjavik Energy Group. Furthermore, final draft for suppliers' Code of Conduct, and a recorded violation, can also lead to termination of business with the respective supplier.